The Psychological Dimensions of the Phenomenon of Suicide, Treatment Methods, and Prevention. الأبعاد النفسية لظاهرة الانتحار وطرق العلاج والوقاية

حضوري (مركز دراسات المراة)


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دكتورة عذراء اسماعيل (مركز دراسات المراة)



مفهوم الانتحار وأسبابه، فضلاً عن أهم الدوافع المؤدية اليه وطرق علاجه والوقاية منه.


The psychological dimensions of the phenomenon of suicide, methods of treatment, and prevention:

The workshop concluded with several recommendations, including:

1. Guiding and educating families to recognize any signs that may indicate suicidal tendencies.
2. Enhancing social and emotional life skills, especially during adolescence.
3. Implementing social programs to address adolescent problems and raise awareness about potential disorders they may face.
4. Launching community campaigns that encourage everyone to consult mental health professionals without fear or shame.

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