هندسة الطيران

Meteorological factors of windshear.حلقة نقاشية

by Dr انمار حامد علي (أ.م.د)

هندسة الطيران (College of Engineering)

هندسة الطيران

College of Engineering


 In discussing windshear it is not easy to find a definition which satisfies both meteorologist and pilot. At its simplest, windshear is a change in wind direction and/or speed in space, including up draughts and down draughts. Despite the emphasis on the windshear hazard in recent years, there are still some who argue that aviators have lived with windshear since the dawn of aviation, seeing it as an extreme form of wind gradient, which would itself fit this definition.

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هندسة الطيران

أ.م.د. انمار حامد علي