Mathematical Modelling & Simulations inside the Egg of Marine Iguana

قسم علوم الحاسوب -قاعة المناقشات
د. علي طالب د. حنين احمد (تكنولوجيا وهندسية)

The lecture is concentrated on a real event episode which is part of Earth Planet II Scene that conducted by BBC (released at the end of 2017). The episode is the most watchable event for the last 6 years.

The materials of this lecture involve the following Mathematical simulations:

1-Visulaization examples on 1D, 2D and 3D functions.

2-Visualization examples on Cartesian, polar and Fourier Coordinates

3-The track that baby Iguana used after emerging from the Egg with few minutes’ life experience.

2-The geological environment that this baby Iguana is dealing with for the first time.


تهدف الورشة الى تعريف المختصين بعلوم الحاسوب بالمحاكاة الرياضية والعلمية لظاهرة طبيعية وهي خروج الاغوانا من البيضة

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