ندوة - Effects of vitamin D on orthodontic tooth movement -

كلية طب الاسنان - فرع تقويم الاسنان - الطابق الرابع

كلية طب الاسنان - فرع تقويم الاسنان - الطابق الرابع

ا.م.علي محمد العطار

Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin normally found only in a few foods, added to some, and provided as dietary supplements.

Vitamin D3 deficiency is  a worldwide problem and its effect on various parts of the body including bone is clearly obvious.

Animal studies reported an increased rate of OTM following local injection of vitamin D3 when compared to the contralateral side.

Our study aimed to evaluate the effect of vitamin D3 level on the rate of orthodontic tooth movement in both conventional and accelerated orthodontic.

Contactكلية طب الاسنان -فرع تقويم الاسنان
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