كلية طب الاسنان - فرع التشخيص الفمي - الطابق السابع - قاعة المناقشات
كلية طب الاسنان - فرع التشخيص الفمي - الطابق السابع - قاعة المناقشات
ا.د.فواز داود عبد الرزاق, ا.م.د.امينة ريحان
The aim of this workshop is to have an idea about the indication of the ATN block And to know how that will be done clinically Also the dentist have to know when and how to use that method through focus a light on the clinical aspects of this mehod And further clarification about the auriculotemporal neuralgia Tmj pain which may have the same similarty with the pain that may occur due to lacerations especially after surgery to the temparl and parotid area