- versatility of bracket prescription- ندوة

كلية طب الاسنان - فرع التقويم - الطابق الرابع - قاعة المناقشات

كلية طب الاسنان - فرع التقويم - الطابق الرابع - قاعة المناقشات

ا.د.اكرم الحويزي

The MBT prescription is one of the most popular orthodontic bracket prescription systems. The MBT system recognizes that it is impossible to make one bracket set that is ideal for every case, and hence they have suggested a number of situations where the same brackets are inverted or positioned on the teeth of the opposing jaw or on the contralateral side to individualize the brackets to the specific case.

كلية طب الاسنان - فرع تقويم الاسنان
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