
كلية طب الاسنان - فرع التشخيص الفمي - قاعة المناقشات - الطابق السابع

كلية طب الاسنان - فرع التشخيص الفمي - قاعة المناقشات - الطابق السابع

تبارك صباح

Factors that interfere with tooth development may not only limit the number of teeth that erupt but may also have an impact on the structure and quality of developing enamel and dentin. One of the most often recommended antibiotics for children is amoxicillin. As a result, it is prescribed as the first line of defense against infections of the skin, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs. MMPs have been found to be produced during tooth development and are required for proper enamel and dentin formation.

كلية طب الاسنان- فرع التشخيص الفمي
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