Image processing for signature verification

الكتروني عبر منصة كوكل ميت
م. ميلا غازي عبد الحليم م. ميلا غازي عبد الحليم

The aim of the workshop is introducing the importance of signature verification systems, their types and applications, and displaying the most important image processing techniques used in these systems

Personal verification by biometrics is an important technology in our life. Among all the behavioral biometric features such as keystroke, voice, and gait, a signature is the most used feature to reduce forgeries. The signature has a high acceptance by the public and specialized applications. The most important applications of signature verification systems are the verification of signatures on bank checks and vouchers, online access control, and electronic document authentication. In this workshop, the types of signature verification systems, their challenges, and the main image processing techniques that are used to build such systems will be explained.

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