ندوة علمية

كلية طب السنان-فرع طب اسنان الاطفال والوقائي - الطابق الثالث - قاعة المناقشات

كلية طب السنان-فرع طب اسنان الاطفال والوقائي - الطابق الثالث - قاعة المناقشات

ا.م.د. ندى جعفر محمدحسن

Carbohydrates, including glucose, are needed for adequate cellular functioning and for normal physiological processes such as the construction of the periodontal tissues. Increased consumption of refined sugars can inhibit tissue repair and promote oxidative stress. Proteins are needed for the effective function of the humoral and cell-mediated immune systems, as well as complement and other host defence mechanisms. lower intake of vitamins has been associated with decreased oral epithelial tissue development, impaired tooth formation, enamel hypoplasia and the presence of periodontitis.

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