دورة تعليم مستمر في الأطفال والوقائي

كلية طب الاسنان

كلية طب الاسنان

ا.م.اسيل حيدر, م.جمان ضياء حبيب

Nanotechnology in Pediatric Dentistry and Dentine Hypersensetivity in Adults

Nowadays Nanotechnology is receiving a lot of attention all over the world. Nanotechnology creates incredibly useful structures from individual atoms or molecules, which provides a new alternative and a possibly superior approach for the identification of oral health related problems. It also aid in designing of more biocompatible dental materials with better properties and anticaries potential. Nanodentistry is striving its best to apply new advances in dental practice. In the field of restorative dentistry and dental materials, nanotechnology has become one of the widest applications in the manufacturing of biocompatible materials. Increasing mechanical properties with Nano ingredients that has resulted in advanced restorative materials called nanocomposites and Nano ionomers.

كلية طب الاسنان فرع طب اسنان الاطفال والوقائي
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