Discovering R: A Beginner's Guide to Powerful Data Analysis in Biologyمحاضرة

قاعه المناقشات لقسم التقنيات الاحيائيه (College of Science)

قاعه المناقشات لقسم التقنيات الاحيائيه

College of Science

Discovering R: A Beginner's Guide to Powerful Data Analysis in Biology
ظافر لطيف (قاعه المناقشات لقسم التقنيات الاحيائيه)

Embark on a journey to discover the transformative potential of R in biological research! This presentation is your gateway to understanding R's role in statistical analysis and genomic data exploration. Learn how R empowers biologists with practical skills, from foundational concepts to advanced genomic analyses

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