مناقشه طالبه الدكتوراه فاطمه فهد عبيد

الطابق الخامس-قاعه المنافشات (كليه طب الاسنان-فرع معالجه و تجميل الاسنان)

الطابق الخامس-قاعه المنافشات

كليه طب الاسنان-فرع معالجه و تجميل الاسنان


An in Vitro Comparative Study of Nanoparticles Containing Sodium Hypochlorite to Other Irrigants as a Main Irrigant Material against E.faecalis Biofilm

Research problem and objectives: The most important material used as an irrigant in root canal treatment is sodium hypochlorite. Its antibacterial activity could be inactivated by dentin and the biomass in the root canal; also, it is a known irritant to periapical tissues. The purpose of this study was to examine the antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity of propolis and chitosan nanoparticles incorporated with 2.5% NaOCl also To make Physicochemical characterization of new development Endodontic irrigation.

فرع معلجه و تجميل الاسنان
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