ندوة- The effect of the inner peel of orange on teeth whitening-

فرع العلوم الاساسية - الطابق الثالث

فرع العلوم الاساسية - الطابق الثالث

ا.م.د.فادية عبد المحسن

Tooth bleaching is the method to make dark teeth to become more white. The tooth color alternation causes from 2 major reasons:1) the outer tooth causes such as growing age, food and beverage stains, tea, coffee and cigarette stains, 2) the inner tooth causes such as the accumulation of pigment in the inner tooth while originating our tooth. Therefore, tooth bleaching is an option to solve dark tooth problems to become more white and more glossy. Tooth bleaching has many ways to do depend on the causes of color alternations

كلية طب الاسنان - فرع العلوم الاساسية
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