ندوه علميه-Dental Erosion

كليه طب الاسنان-فرع طب اسنان الاطفال والوقائي-الطابق الثالث-قاعه المناقشات

كليه طب الاسنان-فرع طب اسنان الاطفال والوقائي-الطابق الثالث-قاعه المناقشات

م م شذى عبدالله عباس

Dental erosion can be defined as a localized chemical dissolution of tooth surfaces without bacterial involvement. Erosion has a multifactorial nature including interaction of tooth with intrinsic factors (saliva, tooth anatomy, acid reflux and medical condition) and extrinsic factors (diet, medication, life style and environment). Early recognition of dental erosion is important to prevent serious irreversible damage to the dentition. This requires awareness of the clinical appearance of erosion compared to other forms of tooth wear. An understanding of the etiologies and risk factors for erosion is also important.


كليه طب الاسنان-فرع طب اسنان الاطفال والوقائي
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