تمكين المرأة في روايات قوطيه حديثه مختارة:نهج ثقافي لروايات جليان فلينمناقشة

قاعة قسم اللغة الانكليزية (كلية التربيه ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانيه)

قاعة قسم اللغة الانكليزية

كلية التربيه ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانيه

Aseel Alawsi (كلية التربيه ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانيه)

مناقشة طالبه الماجستير(سهير هميم محمد) تخصص ادب انكليزي برأسة (أ.د.سعد نجم عبد عباس) وباشراف (أ.د.ازهار نوري فجر) مع اعضاء لجنة المناقشة المحترمين (أ.د.لمى ابراهيم شاكر) و (أ.م.د.مها قحطان سليمان)



Empowering women is a crucial topic in today's world that demands ongoingdiscussions. This concept encompasses various aspects, such as women'sentitlement to make decisions and have choices, access to resources andopportunities, control over their lives both at home and in society, and theirinfluence on social trends. Additionally, women's self-esteem remains a critical.factor in empowering them. For a long time, it was thought that women wereinherently less capable than males, more easily frightened, and less suited tointellectually demanding occupations than those in the home. As a result, womenwere seen as commodities to be used as a man saw fit. The role of womenevolved significantly in the late twentieth century, influenced by cultural, political,economic, social, and environmental developments. Women have broken awayfrom traditional gender roles and changed their perceptions.

Gillian Flynn, born in 1971, is an American author of crime fiction. Her novelsportray different female archetypes in varying circumstances while delving intocomplex issues that many women face. These issues include betrayal, oppression,violence, family breakdowns, neglectful parenting, poverty, crime, and identitycrises. Through her writing, Flynn empowers women to recognize their strengthsand abilities to navigate their lives and make well-informed decisions.

The thesis is based on the cultural feminist theory, especially Mary Daly andAdrienne Rich's conceptions, using different terminologies like; subjugation,disengagement, and female empowerment. The cultural feminist theory highlightsthe unique biological differences between men and women, particularly in terms oftheir reproductive abilities. Cultural feminism emphasizes and celebrates theexceptional qualities that women possess as a result of these differences.

The study is divided into four chapters and a conclusion. Chapter one consistsof eleven sections. Section one defines the term empowerment. Section twodiscusses the conceptual framework. Section three is divided into three subsection, the first traces the roots of the Gothic genre, the second deals with Gothich

feminism, and the third highlights contemporary Gothic literature. Section fourpresents Gillian Flynn's life and career. Section five shows the statement of theproblem of the study. Section six explains the objectives of the study. Sectionseven states the significance of the study. Section eight views the methodology ofthe study. Section nine exhibits the scope and limitations of the study. Section tendiscusses the definitions of terminologies. Section eleven is a literature review.

Chapter Two showcases the powerful representation of a wife through Flynn'sdebut novel Gone Gir/ (2012). It is divided into five sections. Section one is anintroduction. Section two is divided into two sub-sections, section one presentsAmy's struggle for existence, and section two deals with Amy's plan forvengeance. Section three explains Nick Dunne's character. Section four discussesthe Elliotts and the Dunnes families in the novel. The fifth section highlights theGothic elements in Gone Girl.

Chapter Three thoroughly explores Flynn's second novel, Dark Places (2009),which intimately examines the breakdown of a family and the satanic panicphenomenon. Flynn presents the unwavering quest of a woman for the truth. It is.divided into four sections. Section one is an introduction. Section two deals withLibby and her feminist struggle. Section three investigates the patriarchal society inDark Places. Section four views the Gothic elements in Dark Places.

In Chapter Four, Flynn's third novel Sharp Objects (2006) is showcased as aportrayal of a courageous female journalist. It is divided into four sections. Sectionone presents the introduction. Section two focuses on the struggles of a woman ina toxic society. Section three examines the Gothic elements in Sharp Objects.Section four shows the unnatural crimes in the novel.

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