كلية طب الكندي

Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST)دورة

by Raed Rassam (كلية طب الكندي), Saja Ali ahmed (Al kindy medical collage/surgical department)

مستشفى الكندي التعليمي

مستشفى الكندي التعليمي


Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) is a point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) examination that is used to rapidly assess patients with suspected trauma for the presence of free fluid in the pericardium, abdomen, and pelvis. The FAST exam can be performed by clinicians who have received specialized training in POCUS, and it can be completed in less than five minutes. The FAST exam is a valuable tool for trauma providers because it can help to identify patients who need immediate surgical intervention, and it can also help to rule out serious injuries in patients who are hemodynamically stable.

Learning objectives

To identify the role of US examination in abdominal emergency .

To identify  the indications, contraindications and limitations of the FAST study .

To identify the relevant local anatomy

To identify the technique of the exam.

To identify normal and abnormal scans.

To identify pitfalls of the study.

To Perform practical training .

The target audience for the lecture on FAST includes all teaching staff at Alkindy College of Medicine and Alkindy Hospital who are involved in the care of trauma patients. This includes emergency physicians, surgeons, nurses, and paramedics. The lecture will be presented in a format that is appropriate for all levels of medical education, and it will include both didactic and hands-on components.


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