قسم المحاصيل الحقلية

حفظ المصادر الوراثية خارج الجسم الحي

by Dr Ibrahim Abd-Alaa hamza (university of Baghdad), Dr Yusra Ismail Hussein Al-taei (university of Baghdad), Dr ميادة طارق علوان (university of Baghdad)

قاعة قسم علوم التربة والموارد المائية (كلية علوم الهندسة الزراعية)

قاعة قسم علوم التربة والموارد المائية

كلية علوم الهندسة الزراعية


 Preserving the genetic resources of many plants in their original habitats (i.e. in situ) can be considered a costly process that requires a lot of space and effort. Also, the risk of losing these resources due to diseases, insects, inappropriate weather conditions, as well as environmental disasters if they occur under the highest quality standards in field management. The possibilities of deterioration of these resources remain largely present therefore researchers face this problem and resort to preserving them outside their original habitat. Ex-situ is the main method for preserving genetic resources and includes protecting different plant species either in the gene bank (Al-Badoor) or in the field gene bank