statistical analysis of medical research dataدورة

قاعة المؤتمرات (كلية طب الكندي )

قاعة المؤتمرات

كلية طب الكندي

Haydar Raheem Hmoud

"Statistical analysis of medical research data" is aimed at medical researchers, clinicians, and other healthcare professionals who are involved in the design and analysis of clinical studies. The goal of this lecture is to provide an overview of statistical methods used in medical research, including study design, data collection, and analysis. The lecture covers a range of statistical techniques, including hypothesis testing, regression analysis, survival analysis, and meta-analysis, as well as common errors and biases in statistical analysis. The lecture also emphasizes the importance of statistical power and sample size calculations, as well as the need for appropriate data visualization and interpretation. Overall, the lecture aims to equip the target audience with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively design, analyze, and interpret medical research studies using appropriate statistical methods.

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